Thursday, May 24, 2012


I decided to cancel my YogaWorks membership. I thought yoga would be the perfect replacement for Bootcamp but it turns out that I don't have patience for an hour and a half yoga class and although I love the hour long BarWorks class it pains me to go from a stuffy office or car to a stuffy studio. In other words...I NEED to be outside in the FRESH air!

The thought of coming home and taking a long walk on the beach with my little pup makes me a lot happier : ) I think it makes her happier too! I think I am spoiled having lived so long in an environment where you can be outdoors nearly year round. I just can't fathom being stuck in a gym!

Happy Little Pup Pup

In other news, I thought I was being health conscious by buying Hansen's natural diet cola to replace my Diet Coke fix. After having one every afternoon this week I noticed that I wasn't getting the nice little caffeine kick I need mid-day. Upon further investigation I noticed that they are caffeine free. Caffeine free! What kind of show are they running over there at Hansen's? I know it's all natural but mama needs her buzz!
I am now in search of a new caffeinated but natural beverage. Any suggestions are welcomed!

No Caffeine? That's Bull S*%$!

Furthermore, after YEARS of nagging encouraging Mark to try the magical benefits of Sinus Rinse he finally surrendered while suffering through a horrible case of allergies. It didn't kill him and he said it actually helped...for a little while. He may even try it again!

Mission Accomplished!

1 comment:

  1. I don't blame you for wanting to be outside! That's why I love that my yoga was moved outdoors. I'm surprised they don't offer outdoor yoga in CA?!
