Thursday, May 24, 2012


I decided to cancel my YogaWorks membership. I thought yoga would be the perfect replacement for Bootcamp but it turns out that I don't have patience for an hour and a half yoga class and although I love the hour long BarWorks class it pains me to go from a stuffy office or car to a stuffy studio. In other words...I NEED to be outside in the FRESH air!

The thought of coming home and taking a long walk on the beach with my little pup makes me a lot happier : ) I think it makes her happier too! I think I am spoiled having lived so long in an environment where you can be outdoors nearly year round. I just can't fathom being stuck in a gym!

Happy Little Pup Pup

In other news, I thought I was being health conscious by buying Hansen's natural diet cola to replace my Diet Coke fix. After having one every afternoon this week I noticed that I wasn't getting the nice little caffeine kick I need mid-day. Upon further investigation I noticed that they are caffeine free. Caffeine free! What kind of show are they running over there at Hansen's? I know it's all natural but mama needs her buzz!
I am now in search of a new caffeinated but natural beverage. Any suggestions are welcomed!

No Caffeine? That's Bull S*%$!

Furthermore, after YEARS of nagging encouraging Mark to try the magical benefits of Sinus Rinse he finally surrendered while suffering through a horrible case of allergies. It didn't kill him and he said it actually helped...for a little while. He may even try it again!

Mission Accomplished!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Everybody's workin' for the weekend!

It was a great weekend to say the least...but hey, you can never really go wrong with 2 days off.  Especially when it's gorgeous out!

We capped Friday off with a trip to the beach. Mark went for a run while I walked the pup.

The happy girl!
Saturday was another beautiful day so Mark and I took our bikes for a long ride from El Segundo to the Redondo Beach Pier and back.

Redondo Beach Pier
It's had obviously been a while since I've ridden my bike because my legs and tushy were quite sore but I am definitely looking forward to more bike rides this summer!

After a stop at Floyd's for a haircut ...                                               
we had a date night!

We started at Sashi in Manhattan Beach for sushi which was really yummy! We then went to see "What to Expect When You're Expecting" which was quite fitting if you know what I mean!

Sunday we took the pup for another walk on the beach. You have to take advantage of the gorgeous weather! We then wound it down with a delicious homemade pizza.

I hope everyone had a weekend as enjoyable as ours!

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Today was our first official ultrasound! I was both nervous and excited. Was there really a baby in there and if so was it OK? The answer to both was YES! The baby was really active and the doctor said everything looked "normal". "Normal" is now my new favorite word! There were arms and legs a head and a body.

I always thought people sharing their ultrasound was weird...until I had one of my own!

The 3D version. A little hard to decipher.

There's BB!

It will be even more exciting when we find out the sex in a few weeks! Stay tuned!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mama Day!

Yesterday I got to celebrate my first Mother's Day! Mark wasn't sure if he should count this one or not but I am glad he did : ) ...I am mama to Ry anyway and that's not always easy!

Mark made me a delicious breakfast of healthy blueberry pancakes, turkey bacon and fruit.

He then gave me my gifts...yes, gifts! I can get used to this Mother's Day thing ; )

I got my first baby gift, a baby book and some "blingy" headbands.

We spent the rest of the afternoon with The Zimmer's. So great to see them! We attempted a picnic in the park. It was fun albeit not the gorgeous weather we were hoping for.

All in all a great first Mother's Day and I look forward to celebrating many more!

Saturday, May 12, 2012


We ventured to one of our favorite restaurants last night, Fish Bar. The place was packed so we took a seat at the bar. Do you know how hard it is to sit at a bar and know you can't order a drink? It's painful. Especially when your husband has a beautiful, fragrant Pinot Noir. I sadly looked at the bartender and order a "soda splash of cranberry". At least she was thoughtful enough to put it in a bar glass garnished with a lime so I didn't feel too out of place, but sitting at a bar and being the only person not drinking is an odd thing!

My sad drink on the left!
 It was a wonderful dinner though, sans fermented grape juice to accompany it. Going out to dinner is going to be a lot different from now on but it's just something we'll have to get used to!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

SOdA pOp

The culprit!

I gave up soda for a while before becoming pregnant. Not for any reason in particular, just to see if I noticed any benefits. I honestly didn't but I did feel better knowing I wasn't pouring all the unnecessary chemicals into my body. My body IS a temple you know ; )

Since the big P I have cut down on coffee. The doc said I could have two cups a day but I barely make it through one in the morning. I always need a boost in the afternoon so I have been reaching for a diet coke as I don't desire the java later in the day. I try not to do it everyday, but it does seem to be the most efficient at providing the desired effect.

I don't feel great about doing this and I am going to try to stop, but until then, please don't judge me!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


So, many people believe that you can't have sushi when you're pregnant but they are wrong! My doctor said it was ok. He said women in Japan have been eating sushi throughout their pregnancy and nary a concern do they have.

This was good news as I was having a major sushi craving this week. I may have been craving the miso more than the sushi but who can pass up the bento box lunch special!

All this plus miso for $8.50? Yes please!

I happened to be in the lovely city of Sun Valley when lunch time arrived. Please note: city names in Los Angeles are extremely misleading. Sun Valley? more like S@#* Valley! Hawaiian Gardens? Not so much Hawaii or Garden. Watts? Well, I think you get my point!

So I am in Sun Valley and I check my phone to find the nearest Sushi joint and there happened to be one right down the street. The outside was quite sketchy being situated in a tiny strip mall with bars on the door. I tentatively walked in and was pleasantly surprised. Plus, they had the coveted bento box lunch special.
I ordered and was quite happy with my experience. They even had instructions on the wall to help clueless customers!

My favorite is the 4th one down!

As much as I enjoyed my lunch I hit a wall after I finished. So tired I couldn't even go on with my day. I googled this and apparently fatigue hits many women after eating lunch. Of course I have learned that almost any symptom googled "while pregnant" can be justified by numerous women. This may not be a good thing!

I will have to stick to small, snack type lunches from now on to avoid the dreaded wall but I will continue to enjoy dinner!

Sunday, May 6, 2012


The very first craving I had was for Sprite/7-Up. Those have always been the go to drinks when not feeling well and I think they just made me feel better. I couldn't get enough. Nothing else could quench my thirst.

My other craving was...ANYTHING bad. Typical "hung-over" food. Now that the initial icky blahs are over I need to STOP eating this...

...and starting eating more of this!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Today officially marks 11 weeks and the last 11 weeks have been quite an adjustment!

The morning sickness wasn't as horrible as I've heard it can be but the on and off feeling of being "hung-over" was not the most fun...and no, it wasn't from this ...

It was from this....

All Positive!!!

The constant fatigue hasn't been fabulous either for this working girl!

No, not him...

Or her!

But a billion people can't be wrong when they say it will all be worth it in the end!

Although I will miss this...

And this...

And this...

I will definitely make up for it with more of this!

(The ice cream, not the other thing!)